While Huntington Beach, California remains unaffected by the recent fires in our state, our thoughts are with those impacted by the fires in Los Angeles and Ventura County.
All Huntington Beach businesses remain open.
If you are planning an upcoming visit - please know that we will keep this website and our social media channels updated. Surf City USA will be open and ready to welcome you.
Helpful Links:
Camp Fire Incident Information: The state of California has been updating real-time information and maps of the fires; find out the latest at: http://www.fire.ca.gov/current_incidents/incidentdetails/Index/2277
City of Huntington Beach: www.huntingtonbeachca.gov
Lodging Reservations: https://www.surfcityusa.com/places-to-stay/
Event Updates: https://www.surfcityusa.com/things-to-do/
Tips on reducing wildfire risk: www.firewise.org
Have a specific question about your visit to Huntington Beach? Call us at 800-729-6232 or 714-969-3492, or email info@surfcityusa.com