Pasea Hotel & Spa Clean and Safe Procedures
Your meeting will look a little different at the Pasea Hotel & Spa, but one thing that will always remain is the joy of being away and taking that time to reconnect.
All event spaces are cleaned and disinfected in adherence to hotel protocols. In addition, there are hand sanitizer stations at all functions, as well as hand washing stations for outdoor gatherings. All equipment is sanitized before and after each occasion. All food and beverage items are individually plated and served, and flatware individually wrapped. Paséa Hotel & Spa offers flexible floor plans available to accommodate group needs and modified menus that easily can accommodate the safest food delivery and handling.
Guestrooms now have a special cleaning team who clean and disinfect the room between stays. Stay-over service is not available during this time to allow for thorough check-out cleaning. Additional sanitation measures given to doors, desks, countertops, tables and chairs, phones, remotes, thermostats, cabinetry, pulls and hardware, and all other areas that guests come in direct contact with. All non-essential items removed from rooms and available for drop off upon request in sealed bags (linens, pillows). Each room will have hand soap, hand sanitizer, and lotion available for use during your stay at Paséa Hotel & Spa.
Gathering At A Distance
To ensure each guest receives a safe amount of personal space, Paséa Hotel & Spa's distancing protocols include signage and markings to indicate safe distances, capacity restrictions with a designated team member who controls the number of people in any one space at a time. All team members mandated to maintain a distance from guests and each other during all interactions and where possible have contact-less exchanges. The number of guests riding elevators will be limited depending on the size of the elevator.
A Low-Contact Experience
Paséa Hotel & Spa's hospitality experience is enhanced by technology to support physical distancing, such as text messaging to the hotel for needs, streaming your own content on in-room entertainment systems, as well as digital, QR-code hotel information and menus in our restaurant.
Clean Spaces
- In addition to Paséa Hotel & Spa's existing rigid cleaning standards, we are adding increased frequency in cleaning and areas we cover.
- Communal areas cleaned regularly and more as needed. All tables and chairs at food and beverage outlets and banquet areas cleaned after each use.
- Coverage areas: High touch areas consistently disinfected including bell carts, service carts, checkout counters, payment stations, doorknobs, faucets, elevator buttons, tables, and chairs.
- To promote a healthier environment, all paper information eliminated and hotel information available throughout on signs, screens, and in-room entertainment.
- With the well-being of each guest in mind, hand sanitizer available to guests at entrances and high traffic areas.
Healthy Team Members
Hoteliers’ daily ritual includes a stand-up meeting each day. They use this time to ensure all team members are healthy and ready to provide you with the best experience. They mandate daily temperature checks, observation of any symptoms that would require a team member to go home, enforce mandatory face coverings, an increased number of hand-washing stations, and required breaks to wash hands.
Fitness Centers
When available to operate, their fitness center will have new protocols including fewer people at a time and less equipment to allow for more space. The fitness center space is disinfected and cleaned throughout the day. Additional measures for cleaning and disinfecting for all machines, weights, and hard surfaces. Fresh towels, water, and single-use headphones are replenished constantly for single use. Sanitation stations available inside the fitness room and social distancing reminders at the entry door. For those who would prefer a more private workout, streaming wellness, and fitness content is available in rooms.
A pool experience with fewer people, chairs, and less crowds is being enforced. To accommodate guests and provide an exclusive pool experience, all non-hotel guests or friends of guests are not permitted at the pool. Only two adult guests and their children are permitted at the pool. All seating set to maintain physical distancing and capacity requirements. No outside food and beverage permitted, but food and beverage available for all pool-goers to enjoy.
Eating & Drinking
Significant changes to ensure safety in food and beverage outlets, as well as small changes to ensure an enjoyable experience, is observed. Food ordering and delivery held in separate spaces to prevent gathering. All food-related equipment, furniture, hardware, and serving items are sanitized hourly. Dining tables, bar tops, stools, and chairs are sanitized after each use. Kitchens are deep-cleaned and sanitized at least once per day. They have mandated limited seating in bars and restaurants to support the physical distancing of patrons.